
Showing posts from October, 2018

Tactical Gun Training Course Firearms Classes Hybrid Tactics

Tactical Gun Training Course Firearms Classes Hybrid Tactics Looking for a tactical gun training school or firearms tactics classes? Hybrid Tactics (based out of Defuniak Springs Florida) teaches firearms tactics classes for pistol, rifle, urban assault and close quarter combat along with other specialty tactics classes and courses from Bullets and Bones Sportsman's Club and other gun ranges around the USA. Firearms tactics classes are taught by Special Forces trained personnel along with law enforcement and other military branches. Tactical gun classes are open to the public and civilians and focus on how to handle real life situations that can arise in society. For more information on classes, schedules and course descriptions and dates visit the links below. "Hybrid Tactics" Gun Training, Pistol Training, Rifle Training Courses - Classes   " Hybrid Tactics " features rifle, pistol  Asymmetric pistol course , Asymmetric rifle course , Aysmmetric urba...

Tactical Shooting and Moving Drills Hybrid Tactics

Tactical Shooting Drills - Moving Forward and backwards "Hybrid Tactics" teaches a host of tactical pistol, rifle andfirearms training classes - courses from Defuniak Springs Florida and other locations around the USA. Tactical gun training classes are set up to help the public, civilians and law enforcement personnel become better equipped and training for dealing with possible real life threat scenarios. The tractical training classes are taught bylaw enforcement and Special Forces training instructors . See video below for a drill on shooting and moving forward and backwards and doing magazine changes while staying moving in a line. For more "Hybrid Tactics" tactical firearm training classes visit Hybrid Tactics - tacitical gun training school link. Hybrid Tactics teaches tactical gun training classes including tactical rifle, pistol, close quarters combat (CQB), women's pistol, urban assault and other courses to teach everyday civilians how to react...

Tactical Gun and Pistol Training Course School Hybrid Tactics

Tactical Gun Training - Pistol Training Class Hybrid Tactics Asymmetrical Pistol Training Course Hybrid Tactics Asymmetrical Pistol Training Course is designed to teach American civilians how to react and protect themselves from potential situations. The tactical training classes are taught by Special Forces trained and law enforcement personnel in Defuniak Springs Florida and other training courses around the USA. Hybrid Tactics firearms training classes include Asymmetrical Rifle Training, Asymmetrical Pistol Training, Close Quarters Battle (CQB) and other tactical training courses for civilians, law enforcement and military personnel. For a list of upcoming tactical firearms training classes and dates including more tactical gun training programs visit the "Hybrid Tactics" website at Visit the Hybrid Tactics Facebook Page at Hybrid Tactics gun training school inc...

Asymmetrical Pistol Training Course Hybrid Tactics

Asymmetrical Pistol Training Course Tactical Firearms Training Classes Tactical pistol training classes for the general public designed to help people day with every day situations and possibilities. Tactics include shooting at multiple angles, from cars, for clearing a home, protecting your family and dealing with every day life situations. Hybrid Tactics Pistol Training Course -Class.  The Asymmetric Pistol class - course (APC) is an 8-hour  extremely dynamic, highly aggressive, and exponentially accelerated training program designed for American civilians to equip them for every day situations. Learn more about Hybrid Tactics pistol training, rifle training, close quarter combat - close quarter battle, urban assault training and more at Hybrid Tactics website Courses are taught by current and former Special Forces and law enforcement personnel.

Close Quarter Battle Training Facility Defuniak Springs Florida

Close Quarter Training Facility - Defuniak Springs Florida Bullets and Bones gun range, rifle range, bow and arrow range and "close quarter battle" aka "close quarter combat" "cqb" training facility is a building specially built for close quarters firearms training. Bullets & Bones Sportsmans Club Address: 36 Goodwin Rd, Defuniak Springs, FL 32435 Send directions to phone Phone: (850) 520-4612 Rent the Close Quarter Battle Building for your law enforcement group, private training, military training and other types of firearms and gun training classes. Phone : (850) 520-4612 View close quarter combat and close quarter battle training from the "CQB" training facility at "Bullets and Bones" Sportsman's Club and gun range in Defuniak Springs Florida. The close quarter combat training building is available to rent for private groups, law enforcement training and speci...

Close Quarters Battle Course 2 Man Tactical Room Entry

Close Quarters Battle Course - "CQB" 2 Man Tactical Room Entry Close quarter battle - combat training - "CQB" courses and training by "Hybrid Tactics". These close quarter combat training courses are taught to the general public by current and former military and Special Forces personnel. These classes help protect home owners and average American's from potential threats and situations that can arise in the world as we know it. By training yourself on how to protect your home and family you can feel more secure and ready to handle situations that may arise to protect yourself or your family. "Hybrid Tactics" provides "CQB" and firearms training courses for civilians. For upcoming courses and training programs visit   To sign up for Military based training for the general public and civilians - "Close Quarter Battle Course" Hybrid Tactics teaches a wide v...

Close Quarters Battle Course L Shaped Hallway Stacking Door Entry

Close Quarter Battle - "CQB" Close Quarter Combat Training Courses Close Quarter Combat - Close Quarter Battle - CQB Tactical Training Programs Courses for Civilians and the General Public Taught by Current and Former Military and Law Enforcement. There are many different phases of close quarter combat training and many of these tactics can be used for home owners to protect themselves from a threat if a person enters the home. "CQB" classes are taught for the general public and average American to help protect themselves and keep their family safe. Hybrid Tactics teaches these courses to the general public and to current and former military and law enforcement. Close quarter battle course - A Hybrid Tactics team having exited a room, moving through hallway, negotiating an L shaped intersection or hallway, stacking on an open door and making entry into a room. Sign up for this course and more courses including Asymmetric pisto...

Hybrid Tactics Training - "Hybrid Tactics"

Hybrid Tactics Training - "Hybrid Tactics" " Hybrid Tactics " features rifle, pistol  Asymmetric pistol course , Asymmetric rifle course , Aysmmetric urban combat , Close quarters battle course , Small unit tactics & land warfare and Women's Asemmetric pistol course . The courses are taught by a group of current and former Special Operations Forces Soldiers, Private Security Contractors, and Law Enforcement Officers. This group of front-line warriors brings the knowledge, skills, and abilities to you, the law-abiding citizens of America. Training with Hybrid Tactics will provide you with the tactical skills needed to keep yourself, your family, your community, and ultimately our country safe. For upcoming courses click here For training course descriptions click here For Hybrid Tactics instructor biography's click here To contact Hybrid Tactics click here Florida class schedule coming soon. info@hybridt...