Close Quarters Battle Course L Shaped Hallway Stacking Door Entry

Close Quarter Battle - "CQB" Close Quarter Combat Training Courses

Close Quarter Combat - Close Quarter Battle - CQB Tactical Training Programs
Courses for Civilians and the General Public Taught by Current and Former
Military and Law Enforcement.

There are many different phases of close quarter combat training and many of these tactics can be used for home owners to protect themselves from a threat if a person enters the home. "CQB" classes are taught for the general public and average American to help protect themselves and keep their family safe. Hybrid Tactics teaches these courses to the general public and to current and former military and law enforcement. Close quarter battle course -
A Hybrid Tactics team having exited a room, moving through hallway, negotiating an L shaped intersection or hallway, stacking on an open door and making entry into a room. Sign up for this course and more courses including Asymmetric pistol course, Asymmetric rifle course, Aysmmetric urban combat, Close quarters battle course, Small unit tactics & land warfare
and Women's Asemmetric pistol course at Learn more about the "Close Quarters Battle" course at


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